The C.H. Robinson Foundation contributes to organizations that make a positive impact on our people, communities, industry, and planet. Through general operating and program grants to nonprofit organizations, our approach to giving is informed by community input, partner dialogue, and regional needs.
We support nonprofit organizations that are committed to helping the supply chain and logistics industry thrive, funding organizations that:
We help strengthen the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area by providing general operating and program grants in these focus areas:
We aspire to foster equal opportunities and promote inclusivity, and proudly support organizations focused on removing barriers and creating opportunities for all in these focus areas:
Fueled by our worldwide network, Robinson Cares is our employee-driven philanthropy. Thinking globally and acting locally to strengthen impact in their communities, our employees respond to needs with a broad scope of programs, including:
通过为应对饥饿问题、提供住所、支持 K-12 教育和发展劳动力的组织提供常规运营资金和计划资助,C.H. Robinson 基金会帮助推动明尼阿波里斯-圣保罗大都会地区的发展。了解我们关注的重点领域以及如何提交询问函。
C.H. Robinson 基金会双城捐款计划专注于加强当地社区发展,并满足个人对食品、住所、教育和劳动力发展的基本需求。要获得 C.H. Robinson 基金会双城捐款计划的资助,您的慈善组织必须满足我们的捐赠优先事项之一:
劳动力发展 — 2023 年新增内容
截止日期 | 行动 |
5 月 1 日 | 提交意向书 (LOI)。适用于上一年未获得资助的潜在受助人。 |
6 月 30 日 | 提交完整捐款申请 |
9 月 30 日 | 决定通知 |
虽然资助金额不同,但双城资助的范围是5000-30000美元。 平均金额为11,500美元。
C.H. Robinson 基金会成立于 2005 年,是依照《美国国内税收法》第 501(c)(3) 条在明尼苏达州设立的非营利性公司。该基金会由 C.H. Robinson 资助,在其他 501(c)(3) 非营利组织的支持下,为回馈社区提供长期资源。相关预算由以环境、社会和治理部副总裁兼 C.H. Robinson 基金会主席 Rachel Schwalbach 为首的基金会董事会决定和批准。我们与信托公司(该公司为多家慈善组织提供服务)合作,以提供制衡措施,同时确保遵守美国国税局指导方针和企业税法。