Automate your tracking updates

Easily connect your tracking device to improve your Carrier Advantage Program status and access the most freight among all providers in North America.

Connect or Change My ELD/GPS Provider

Click on your provider below to connect

Q: GeoTab

From your Geotab portal, generate integration view only credentials.

  1. Click Administration > Users > Add
  2. For the Username, enter: CHR@”databasename”
    1. After the “@” please enter your unique database name which is found on the top right of the portal
      1. Example: CHR@abc_company
      2. You don’t need “.com” at the end
    2. First name: CH
    3. Last name: Robinson
  3. Force password change on next login: No
    1. Confirm Password: EdenPrairie123
    2. Security Clearance: View Only
  4. Click “Save” to finish the setup of your new integration profile
After the username and password is created, please email them and your T# or DOT# to [email protected]. Once received, C.H. Robinson will finalize the connection.  Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.

Q: Motive

Connect withMotive

Q: Omnitracs

Instructions (you may skip steps 1 & 2 if you have a VLV account with Omnitracs):

  1. Your company admin must sign in to review the VLV terms of service:
    U.S. Customers VLV Form
    Canadian Customers VLV Form
  2. Accept the VLV terms of use
  3. After acceptance, you will be shown a confirmation page; click ‘Done’. Within one business day, you will receive an email with a link to the VLV portal along with a username and password. You will now have to log in to the portal and choose the partners you want to share data with:
    1. Log in to the VLV portal with your newly provided credentials:
    2. You will be given access to a screen that allows you to authorize CH Robinson access. Find ‘CH Robinson’ in the permissions list and change ‘Add My Fleet to Active VLV Carrier List’ to ‘Yes’ and set ‘Authorize Customer to Track My Fleet’ to ‘On’.
    Image of omnitracs ELD integration
  4. Once you’ve authorized ‘CH Robinson’, we’ll receive an email with you in copy letting us know that we can now receive load tracking on loads hauled with CH Robinson

Q: PeopleNet

Next steps:

  1. Sign the PeopleNet Data Share Agreement: Found Here
  2. Attach the signed agreement here and fill out the questionnaire:
  3. Click “Submit” at the bottom once the agreement is attached and the questionnaire is filled out

After submitting the required info, PeopleNet will process and enable the integration within a few days and notify C.H. Robinson afterwards. Please email  [email protected][email protected] if you have any questions.

Q: Samsara

  1. Connect with Samsara
  2. Image of omnitracs ELD integration

  3. Please select "Entire Organization" and generate an
  4. Image of omnitracs ELD integration

  5. Copy the API token you generated
  6. Image of omnitracs ELD integration

  7. Finally, e-mail [email protected] with subject line of "Samsara API Token Onboarding". In the body of the e-mail paste only the API Token you copied in the previous step and hit send. Your integration is now completed!
  8. Image of omnitracs ELD integration

Q: Verizon

Connect withVerizon

Q: Other ELD/GPS Providers

CH Robinson can connect with 150+ additional ELD/GPS providers via our visibility partner, Macropoint. Click here to begin

Navisphere Carrier Mobile App

Mit der Navisphere Carrier App erledigen Sie alles, was Ihr Unternehmen braucht, während Sie unterwegs sind. Mit einer App für die Tools, die Ihnen wichtig sind, ist es einfach zu wissen, was Sie als nächstes tun müssen:

  • Buchen Sie sofort die von Ihnen gewünschten Ladungen
  • Weisen Sie Fahrer zu und sehen Sie den Status in Echtzeit
  • Machen Sie Statusaktualisierungen mit integrierter Automatisierung
  • Bearbeiten Sie Zahlungen schneller, indem Sie Dokumente hochladen und freigeben.

apple app store button
android app store button

Schalten Sie weitere Möglichkeiten innerhalb Ihrer TMS frei

Wenden Sie weniger Zeit auf, um eine Fracht zu finden und mehr Zeit Geld zu verdienen. Genießen Sie ein stressfreies digitales Erlebnis – keine Anrufe oder E-Mails erforderlich.

Nutzen Sie die kostenlose API-Konnektivität (Application Programming Interface), um Fracht von C. H. Robinson-direkt in Ihrem eigenen TMS zu finden, zu buchen und automatisch zu erstellen. Sie können auch sichtbare benutzerdefinierte Updates senden und Dokumente über die gesamte Sendungsdauer der Fracht hochladen.

Erhalten Sie Ihre Frachten in Ihrem TMS mit der API Konnektivität

Erstellen Sie eine problemlose digitale Erfahrung mit einer anpassbaren, kostenlosen Programm-Anwendungs-Benutzeroberfläche (API) - Verbindung. Es ist einfach, Frachten zu finden, zu buchen und automatisch zu erstellen, wo Sie bereits geschäftlich tätig sind—Ein Anruf oder eine E-Mail ist nicht notwendig.

Questions about our Carrier Advantage Program

Get help with issues pertaining to your status or load scores.

Questions about getting your tracking set up

Get help setting up your ELD or GPS.

Tracking and data privacy

We’re strongly committed to helping carriers keep clear control of their own data. We only track information specific to each load so that shippers can have a clear understanding of where their goods are. Once a load is marked as delivered, tracking stops immediately. Here’s a quick and easy guide to data transparency.