To manage and upload documents associated with a load, visit the My Loads tab in the bottom center of your screen.
Then tap load details in the top right.
This will bring you to a page that displays every detail about your loads.
On the bottom right, tap the blue documents button. From there you can view.
Or upload any documents associated with a load. To upload a new proof of delivery document, select Add Document.
This will prompt you to select if you'd like to select a photo, take a photo, or select a file.
If your document is saved as a photo, tap Select Photo, then select your document.
If your document is not appearing in your photos, it may have been saved in your device as a file.
To upload a file, tap select File and tap the document you'd like to upload. Once selected from your device, you have the option to add it to a stop.
If it does not apply to a stop, select none. Then tap Upload document.
You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to. Upload this document as you will not be able to edit it later on. Once confirmed, you'll be directed to another screen that shows that your document has been uploaded successfully and added to the load.
Now that you've uploaded your first document, you can continue to upload additional documents or return to load details by tapping the back arrow at the top left of your screen.
Learn how to upload essential documents to your active or previously-hauled loads. This video guides you through the document management process in the Navisphere® Carrier app. Download the app and learn more here.