Overview of the Navisphere® Carrier app

The Navisphere Carrier app makes it easier than ever to haul with CH Robinson.

Available for both Android and iOS devices, it's designed to make your job easier.

When you open the app, you'll see 3 tabs at the bottom of your screen. Active load, My loads, and Account.

You can view any en route freight under the Active load tab, while all loads assigned to you will appear in the My Loads tab.

You can manage your account and other app details in account.

To manage and see more details about your freight, tap on the MyLoads tab in the bottom center of your screen.

This will bring you to a manifest of all your loads, including future trips and those currently in transit.

Tap the load you'd like to see more details on. You'll be taken to a screen that shows the load stops, dates, and time slots.

For more details like distance, weight, or driver work, tap load details on the top.

From there you can view. View details, upload documents associated with the load, or contact a CH Robinson rep for further assistance.

To view or upload relevant assets, tap the blue documents button. If you want to upload a new document, select Add Document.

This will prompt you to select if you'd like to select a photo, take a photo, or select a file.

The Navisphere carrier app allows you to reduce the number of calls and texts needed to provide visibility updates with built-in automation.

Your device's tracking permissions provides real-time transit updates in addition to staying in communication with your recipient.

You can confirm the status of your load, or if you've hit a snag in the road, you can send an update and adjust your arrival time, depending on where you are in your hauling journey.

Now, you're ready to hit the road with CH Robinson.

Overview of the Navisphere Carrier app

Learn how to navigate the Navisphere Carrier app on both iOS and Android platforms. This video provides an overview of the app's features, designed to help drivers haul for C.H. Robinson with greater ease and efficiency. Download the app and learn more here