Now is the time to unlock savings

See how we can help you find savings in your supply chain

Capitalize on today’s market with a savings estimate

Spot market rates are declining double-digit percentages year over year based on data from DAT. Now that freight rates have fallen, it’s the perfect time to optimize your pricing and prepare your strategy for the future.

C.H. Robinson is the largest truckload provider in North America with the largest less than truckload (LTL) network. We can determine if your current pricing is competitive, and we’ll work hard to find additional savings for you.

Unlock savings now and for the future

Looking to optimize your global supply chain with an industry leader? Now is the time to find ways to unlock savings. With a break in market volatility, shippers can now step back and understand ways to better improve their supply chain.

C.H. Robinson can help shippers find savings through focused strategies that position your company to uncover savings available today. We'll use your data and our dataset to prescribe savings opportunities. In fact, shippers can uncover 5–15% savings on their transportation costs after our supply chain assessment.

Many ways you can save

Your assessment can uncover many savings opportunities, including:

  • Improved lead time
  • Expanded shipping or receiving hours
  • Avoidable accessorials (such as detention)
  • Increased shipment predictability
  • Mode optimization
  • Carrier route guide enhancement
  • Pricing procurement events
  • Access to real time rates
  • Dynamic LTL routing and carrier selection
  • Order aggregation and shipment reduction
  • Multi-stop truckload routing
  • Inbound and outbound consolidation
  • Network analysis and optimization

Connect with an expert today

Thank you! A C.H. Robinson representative will connect with you soon to help you find your savings.

Hear from shippers like you

See how we helped other companies unlock savings

See how GoGo Squeez leveraged data to improve their on-time in-full (OTIF) scores.

Watch how IPC Subway saved money and time by optimizing their supply chain.

Check out the AI-assisted pricing tool we created for Anheuser–Busch, which can price shipments instantly.

See how Stihl exceeds goals for cost savings by leveraging our information advantage.