Managing your loads in Navisphere® Carrier

You can view loads on the active load or My Loads tab at the bottom of your screen.

The My Loads tab offers the ability to manage all freight assigned to you, both active and upcoming.

The Active load tab offers the ability to only manage your active load.

To view a current load, select the active load tab.

Your current load will be displayed, including your load number, your next stop, load details, directions. You can also provide in transit updates in this tab.

To view more details about a load, select see load details.

This will show details about scheduled stops.

Tap on each stop to view more details like addresses or appointment information.

You can also select open.

In maps for directions to your destination.

To see more details about a load as whole, like total distance, weight, equipment, or driver work, tap load details in the top right.

You can also confirm the status of your load by selecting departed or arrived, depending on where you are in your hauling journey.

Visit the Active load tab and select Mark as Arrived or In transit update depending on your needs.

If you'd like to update your location and still plan to arrive on time, select We'll arrive on time.

If you've hit a snag on the road and need to adjust your arrival time, select running late.

Next, add your updated estimated arrival time based on your situation, then hit submit update to complete your in-transit update.

Managing Your Loads

Discover how to manage your loads assigned to you in the "Active Loads" tab and interact with previous loads under the "My Loads" tab. This video walks you through the process step by step. Download the app and learn more here