How you approach transportation will never be the same. With more freight than any provider in North America, we also offer guaranteed service you can trust.
Your customizable Dynamic Assurance™ program helps beat contract rates in a loose market and delivers guaranteed capacity in a tight one. With 100% tender acceptance, you secure the capacity you need, receive automated rate reductions, and avoid drastic price hikes without going back for another RFP.
Each lane receives an indexed line haul rate. In tight markets, you are protected from extreme rate increases. In loose markets, you get automated rate relief without another RFP.
Share your historical origin, destination, and volume data with us.
Determine opportunities with Procure IQ, align on rates, and choose review cadence.
Benchmark rates against neutral DAT data. Continue to evaluate and optimize.
"Dynamic Assurance has truly changed the way we look at freight. Our total landed costs have gone down, and we are now able to more accurately forecast our transportation spend."
—Jamie Hardenbergh, Vice President, Logistics, Herbalife Nutrition
Implementation is fast and easy. Get guaranteed truckload with automated rate relief. Start today.