Reset Your Navisphere® Carrier Password

If it has been a while since you logged into the Navisphere Carrier or you cannot remember your password, follow these steps to reset your password.

NOTE: You can recover your Navisphere Carrier password from the web version only. This feature is not available on the app.

TIP: If you do not know your username, complete the steps in Recover Your Navisphere Carrier Username before completing the steps below.

Before You Begin

These instructions are for existing carriers. If you are not signed up to haul with C.H. Robinson, please complete the carrier registration process.


How To

1.) Go to and click Forgotten Password.


2.) Enter your username and click Submit.


3.) You will receive an email with instructions to reset your password.


Sample email:


Sample password reset page:

Frequently asked questions

How do I retrieve my Navisphere Carrier username?

If it has been a while since you logged into Navisphere Carrier or you cannot remember your username, follow these steps to recover.