[Lorenz Gan, CEO New Era Cap Co.] The New Era cap is a 99 year old company, so we are known as the baseball cap provider.
[Josh Creasman, VP Global Supply Chain New Era Cap Co.] We also do apparel and accessories much bigger business globally than most people know New Era for. We operate 125 different countries who are known for being able to supply the market right after a major what we call "hot market" sporting event. That definitely requires a lot of orchestration from a logistical standpoint, to be able to deliver that hours after a team wins. We're literally watching Game 7- 4thinning— someone's up, and as those events begin to unfold, we literally began production in the middle of a game.
[Lorenz] My most recent hot market was in the NBAm, when the Toronto Raptors one their first NBA championship—an exciting moment in sports.
What people don't realize is that the product has to be at major retailers the next morning to satisfy that consumer demand. C.H. Robinson is the only company we could work with to be able to make that a reality.
[Kelli Kawash, Key Account Manager C.H. Robinson] Working with hot market is pretty intense. We've talked to New Era, we planned it out with them, side by side and then the teams get on it!
[Ken Six, VP Commercial Enterprise C.H. Robinson] C. H. Robinson offers our customers a global suite of services™, as well as technology that's created by supply chain experts, for supply chain experts.
[Josh] They enable us to power our supply chain in different ways, whether it's technology, expertise on the human capital side of things, or physically moving cargo. To have a strategic partner such a C H. Robinson that can quickly mobilize around some of these key strategic initiatives and also manage the day-to-day execution is a tough thing to find in a singular partner— but we've been able to successfully do that.
[Josh] One of our big initiatives around supply chain IT infrastructure, specifically related to connecting visibility pipeline from the time of purchase orders issued to the end consumer, C.H. Robinson plays a substantial part and enabling us to provide that level of information to a variety of technology platforms they offer. The ability for someone to live and do a day in the life of that technology and understand how it really works in operations is absolutely critical, and I think they bring both of those worlds together when they bring technology solutions. So when they put something in front, you know it's guaranteed to work.
[Lorenz] My initial perception of C. H. Robinson was more of a logistics company, not the technology and platform company that it has come to be known as, at New Era.
New Era is a global apparel leader, operating in over 125 countries. To have a winning team’s merchandise on store shelves in a matter of hours, you have to have one of the smartest, most nimble systems for sourcing and moving products, like hats that are created based on who won a playoff game the night before.
Using technology that is built by and for supply chain experts, see how New Era obtained the visibility it needed from the time a purchase order is issued to the time the product gets to the end consumer.
Explore our shipper techology solutions.